
2013年10月31日 星期四

WCC釜山大會紀實 (一)


七年一度的普世教會協會大會(WCC Assembly)有史以來第二度選擇到亞
洲來舉行,繼上次在印度之後,這次選擇在韓國的釜山。韓國教會為此大會幾乎動員全國的教會資源和人力,兩三年前就開始著手籌辦。一年多以前WCC神學教育部門就在多次的會議中提及大會之前延續到大會期間計畫籌辦一個普世神學教育學院(Global Ecumenical Theological Institute, GETI)的構想。希望從世界各地的神學教育機構招募一百五十名神學研究生參與這個學院的課程,並體驗難得的大會開會盛況。為的是希望能藉這年輕一代的參與大會以及半個月左右的臨時學院分享能激發年輕人對合一運動的委身,並培育新一代的普世合一運動領袖。這次大會的主題是:「生命的主,帶我們邁向公義與和平」(Life of God, Lead us to Justice and Peace)。

My lecture to the GETI, WCC Busan 
去年在WCC的支持下,我們邀請了亞洲神學教育相關的領導人,包括主流教會、福音派、五旬節派在印尼開會、籌畫成立「亞洲神學教育論壇」(AFTE)時,Dietrich 又再次提及這個規劃的進行情形。原本計畫招募一百五十人的節目,因為報名踴躍突破一百五十人而達到一百六十多人左右(正式開學時更超過一百八十人)。為了有效輔導這些各地來的學員(前天到首爾才知道許多學員都是神學院的年輕教師),WCC積極的尋找合適的核心教授(core faculties)。 在幾次一起開會、合編「亞洲普世神學教育手冊」的機會中,Dietrich 一再邀請我參與核心教授的行列。除了要輔導一個小組的學員外,還要我作一個專題演講,參與兩個合一神學對話(ecumenical conversation)作引言的工作,並由我所負責的AFTE (亞洲神學教育論壇)申請一個Madang的工作坊。想說七年才一次的大會難得到亞洲來召開,作為亞洲神學教育的一份子,多出點力總不能推辭。

2013年10月29日 星期二

Doing Theologies in Asian Ways with Asian Resources (WCC GETI version)

Doing Theologies in Asian Ways with Asian Resources
-        An Introduction to A Theological Movement Launched by PTCA
Keynote Speak for Global Ecumenical Theological Education (GETI) Program
WCC Busan Assembly Meeting, Seoul Korea
Oct. 28, 2013
by Dr. Huang Po Ho
Dean of PTCA, Moderator of AFTE and Vice President & Prof. of CJCU

The attempt to formulate theologies and to implement theological education in Asia, can be dated back to the arrival and establishment of Christians of Oriental Orthodox tradition, and multiplied with successive Christian sojourn to Asia, of Roman Catholic and Protestant Christian missions from Europe and North America. Theological education carried out as institutes of professional higher education has been operated in many of Asian countries for more than a century. Because of the Christian mission legacy, theological education systems implemented in Asia are mostly modeled after theological schools from western countries in all their structures, disciplines and curricula.
Over the years, despite of many challenges and arguments for new form of theological education and many conferences which have been held to urge that transformation be made for traditional models of theological education, there is still ongoing search for appropriate theological education to meet the contemporary ministerial and social challenges voiced by theological faculties, students and church leaders.

Encouraged by the internal conditions of the church mission developments, and the external challenges caused by the international power remapping, an identity awareness of being “Asian” Christian was begun to emerge in Asian Christian communities after Second World War. Theological educators in Asia came together to form associations for theological schools to encourage personnel exchanges, resources sharing, and shaping solidarity for theological development in Asia. Association for Theological Education in South East Asia (ATESEA) was formed in 1957 and increased its members from 16 in the beginning, to 102 at its apex. Asian Theological Association (ATA) was formed in 1970 and has 128 accredited members and 64 associated members. Both associations are committed to the idea of “train Asian in Asia”, while ATESEA has stressed on contextual orientation for theological construction.  College of Serampore was established even dated back to 1818 to provide collegiate education to students in the Faculties of Arts, Science and Commerce through affiliation with the University of Calcutta, as well higher theological education to the ministers of the churches through its Faculty of Theology to affiliated colleges in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

It was in the midst of this background, that the Programme for Theology and Cultures in Asia (PTCA) was given birth as a theological movement to the service of contextual theological formation and theological education in Asia.

2013年10月18日 星期五



