01. | 上帝與我 (God and Me) | 長青出版1980.11 |
02. | 旅向亞州的神學 (A Journal of Theology towards Asia) | 人光出版1985.06 |
03. | 孕育於文化的神學 (Theology from the Womb of Culture) | 人光出版1987.11 |
04. | 宗教與自決(Religion and Self-determination) | 稻鄉出版1990.11 |
05. | 奔向出頭天的子民(People Who is headig for Chhut Thau Thi) | 稻鄉出版1991.03 |
06. | 釘根本土的信仰(A Faith Rooted in the Context) | 人光出版1991.11 |
07. | 本土神學與本土宣教(Contextual Theology and Contextual Mission) | 人光出版1993.03 |
08. | 偉大心靈的禱詞(一)(Prayers of the Great Minds) | 人光出版1993.11 |
09. | 偉大心靈的禱詞(二)(Prayers of the Great Minds) | 人光出版1995.08 |
10. | 偉大心靈的禱詞(三)(Prayers of the Great Minds) | 人光出版1995.10 |
11. | 教會是什麼(譯作)(What is the Church?--trans) | 1994.07(修訂版)
12. | 柳堤牧笛 (Pastoral flute in the River Side) | 永望出版1994.09 |
13. | 基督徒與祭祖(主編)(Christian and Ancestor Worship—-ed.) | 雅歌出版1994.11 |
14. | 加爾文神學十講(Ten Lectures on Calvin Theology) | 人光出版1995.05 |
15. | 基督教要理問答(合著)(Christian Catechism) | 人光出版1995.08 |
16. | 族群和諧(主編)(Ethnic Harmony—ed.) | 雅歌出版1995.08 |
17. | 真理之鑰(主編)(A Key to the Truth—ed.) | 人光出版1995.08 |
18. | 不做陌生人-- 臺灣本土神學工作手冊 |
19. | 破鏡難圓?(主編)(Is It Hard to Reunion? –ed.) | 雅歌出版1996.08 |
20. | 生死不由人?(主編)(Can We Choose to Live Or to Die?) | 雅歌出版1997.06 |
21. | 基督徒身份的塑造 (Shaping the Christiand Identity) | 人光出版1997.09 |
22. | 出頭半邊天-台灣婦女神學的出路(主編)(Struggle To Be Half of the World) |
23. | 心靈天窗—靈命更新的神學與實踐 (主編)(Heavenly Window of the Spirituality) |
24. | 小教理問答(Small Catechism) | 人光出版1999.05 |
25. | 本土神學講話(Lectures for Contextual Theologies) | 教會公報1999.06 |
26. | 本土神學的倫理關懷(Ethic Concern of the Contextual Theology) | 教會公報1999.06 |
27. | 離經叛道?(審訂—出頭天工作室策畫)(Did I Betray the Gospel?) | 雅歌出版1999.12 |
28. | 基督教要理問答新篇(合著)(Christian Catechism,revised version) | 人光出版2000.01 |
29. | 聖經、詮釋、本土神學(與陳南州、鄭仰恩合編)(Bible, Hermeneutic and Contextual Theologies) | 永望出版2001 |
30. | 全球化與基督教宣教 (Globalization and the Christian Misson) | 人光出版2002.06 |
31. | 深耕、使命、願景(Cultivate Vision and Mission of Theological Education) | 南神出版2007.06 |