
2016年1月5日 星期二

Establishment of Asian Academy of Christian Studies and
Launching of International Journal of Asian Christian Studies

International Consultation
Asian Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies, Chennai
27 & 28 November, 2015

Rationale & Back Ground
The publication of The Oxford Handbook of Christianity in Asia is now acclaimed internationally for its high academic quality and original perspectives. Over 40 scholars of international stature were part of this project and contributed to shape the Handbook. The Handbook is viewed as an important source and instrument for a critical study of Christianity in Asia and its public engagement with society, culture, education, politics, history, etc.
An international conference (5-7 November, 2014) closely following at the heels of the publication of the Handbook brought together contributing authors, other scholars, faculty and research students here in Chennai for two days for a very engaged discussion. The conference led to the realization of a distinct Asian identity of Christianity with implications in the fields of public life, education, interreligious relationships, etc. The intense conversations led to the formulations of two proposals with reference to the future engagement of Christianity in the field of public life, education, interreligious understanding etc.
A proposal emerged from the conference of constituting an Asian Academy of Christian Studies which will help to bring together scholars across the globe studying and researching in the field of Christianity in its multiple encounters with the Asian societies. The creation of such an international body will help to promote cutting edge researches by Asian scholars. It will be open also to scholars from other parts of the world. The academy as a permanent body will further facilitate interaction among scholars on Asian Christianity.

Objectives of the Academy
  • To study and research on Christianity as an integral part of Asian history and tradition.
  • To promote a forum for Asian Christian Intelligentsia to dialogue with the larger society and critically reflect on its social, political, economic and cultural situation.
  • To provide an interdisciplinary basis for Christian social engagement.
  • To facilitate the meeting and interaction among Asian Christian intellectuals and channel their human resources towards transformation of society.
  • To promote inter-religious understanding and religious freedom in dialogue with peoples of other faiths.
A second proposal that followed was the creation of an International Journal of Asian Christian Studies with an Editorial Board, consisting of outstanding scholars from Asia, Europe, USA, etc.
Objectives of the Journal
·         To study Christianity as a part of the socio-cultural processes of Asian people
·         To relate Christianity with current socio-cultural issues of different regions of Asia from an interdisciplinary perspective.
·         To study and research on Christianity with reference to the life context of marginalized peoples, minorities, ethnicities, etc.
·         To study and research the interaction of Christianity in the public sphere.
·         To explore various forms of Asian indigenous Christianities and their expressions from an interdisciplinary perspective.
·         To promote interreligious understanding and religious freedom through enlightening researches and reflections.

Impact of the Academy and the Journal
Issues of Christian mission, social engagement, education, culture, etc. are situated in a definite context with many interacting forces and factors. Christianity finds itself in Asia at the intersection of these forces and factors which also create its unique contours in the Asian continent. The Academy and journal will have impact on the way Christianity encounters the Asian reality and interacts with it. The studies and researches the Academy will promote and the journal will publish will lead to an enlightened understanding of the interface between Asia and Christianity in today’s circumstances, particularly in the field of social transformation. They will help to see and practice in a new light Christian mission, pastoral ministry, inter-religious relationships, social and educational engagement.

Editorial Board
There will be an Editorial Board of scholars drawn from Asia and other parts of the world. And there will be also an International Advisory Board.

The Journal will start as biannual. After a period of five years, it will be turned into a quarterly.

Publication & Marketing
To be able to reach out as widely as possible, the journal will tie-up with a well known international publisher who will promote and market it in Asia as well as in other continents.

Administration & Organization
The proposed Academy of International Journal of Asian Christian Studies will have its centre of operation at the Asian Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies (ACCS). A secretariat will be set up which will coordinate the work of editors, publishers and contributors. ACCS has experience in this matter. It houses also the secretariat of 50 year old international journal Concilium which is published in six European language editions and five times a year. The expertise of the Asian Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies will be channelized to organizing and coordinating work of International Journal of Asian Christian Studies.

Stages Leading to the Realization of the Project
  1. An initial exploratory consultation will discuss the nature of the academy, its scope, membership, structure, functioning etc. It will also discuss the orientation to be adopted by the proposed journal and chalk out the guiding principles, nature, scope, readership. It will also explore possible publishing houses with whom the journal can tie-up for publication and marketing. The consultation will pool the names of scholars who could serve on the advisory board of the journal. It will also suggest a larger pool of names for membership in the academy and criteria to be part of it. 
  2. Convocation of the first editorial board meeting. The editorial board will go deeper into the deliberations of the consultation and fine tune the orientation of the journal, its nature and scope. It will lay down the editorial policy and other technicalities for publication and distribution. The Academy and the journal will work in tandem.
  3. The constitution of the Academy and selection of international office-bearers.
  4. Publication of the first issue of the journal. March 2017.
Prof. Dr. Felix Wilfred
Asian Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies

Chennai, India

Operational Structure of the JOURNAL

Chief Editor
·         Felix Wilfred
Associate Editors
·         Herman Teule (West Asia)
·         Sebastien Peyrouse (Central Asia)
·         Wesley Ariarajah (South Asia)
·         Jose Mario Francisco (South-East Asia)
·         Huang, Po-Ho (East Asia)
·         Wong, Angela Wai Ching **

Members of the Editorial Board
1.      Annie Kunnath
2.      Anri Morimoto
3.      Archie Lee
4.      Ataullah  Siddiqui
5.      Dieter Becker
6.      Edmund Chia
7.      Edward Xu
8.      Edmond Tang
9.      Francis X. Clooney
10.  Georg Evers
11.  Glenn Shive
12.  Gnana Patrick
13.  John Clammer
14.  John Prior
15.  Jonathan Y. Tan
16.  Jude Lal Fernando
17.  Julius Bautista
18.  Marshal Fernando
19.  Michael Amaladoss
20.  Paul Hwang
21.  Peter Phan
22.  Xing Ping

** We need to add a few women scholars. Could you kindly propose a few names?

 Advisory Board

David Suh
D. Preman Niles
Catelino Arevado
Philip L. Wickeri
Lee, Wing-On
Pushpa Joseph

(Could think of more people)

Institutional Members
Irish School of Economics - Jude Lal Fernando is exploring
Department of Christian Studies, University of Madras - confirmed
Ateneo de Manila University – Mario Francisco – could you confirm?
United Board for Christian Higher Education - Glenn – to be contacted
Woori Theological Institute (WTI), Korea – could be approached
Central Asia – Sebastien – Could you think of some institutions?
Middle East – Herman – Could you think of some institutions?
Vidyjyoti Theological College, India – could be included.........

More institutions are in the pipeline ....

** I have added the name of Dr. Wong, wia ching Angela from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, since there is no woman representative.