
2010年11月11日 星期四

Keynote Speak to ACUCA Assembly at Taegu Korea, Nov. 1-4, 2010

Keynote Speakers
  In determining the choice of presenters for this year’s conference, we thought it necessary to maintain the optimum balance between a scientific, and environmental approach, allied to a strong Christian element. We are very glad to have two distinctive scholars from the fields of theology and environmental science as keynote speakers for the ACUCA Conference.
  1. keynotespeaker1.jpgDr. Huang Po Ho (Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan)

    Ecological Crisis and its Challenges to the Christian Higher Education in Asia

        · 1990 Th. D. The South East Asia Graduate School of Theology (SEAGST),
          Graduate School of Ecumenical Institute, Bossey Geneva, Certificate
        · 1983 S.T.M. Union Theological Seminary in New York
        · 1978 M. Div. Tainan Theological College and Seminary (TTCS)

    Professional History
        · Current Vice President, Chang Jung Christian University
        · Current Professor of School of Theology, Chang Jung Christian
        · Current Director, Program for Theology and Cultures in ASIA (PTCA)
        · Since 2004, Advisory Committee member of Institute For Advance Studies on Cultures
        · And Theologies, United Board for Higher Education in Asia   
see: http://acuca.net/?mid=cga2010_venue

Schedule of Events

2010 ACUCA Biennial Conference & 18th General Assembly
"Sustainable Development and Christian Initiative"

November 1-3 2010, Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea

November 1 (Monday)
All dayArrival and Pick-up of conference participants
18:30Welcome dinner hosted by the Mayor of Daegu City at Unje Hall, Keimyung University

November 2 (Tuesday)
08:30~09:00Shuttle to Keimyung
09:00~09:15Conference registration
09:15~09:50Opening Ceremony
10:00~10:40Keynote Presentation I:
"Ecological Crisis and its Challenges to Christian Higher Education in Asia"
(Dr. Huang Po Ho, Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan)
10:50~11:30Keynote Presentation II:
"Paving Pathways to Sustainable Asia: Enhancing the Roles of Christian Higher Education Institutions"
(Dr. Budi Widianarko, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Indonesia)
13:00~14:00Campus tour
14:30~16:30Parallel Session Topics:
· The Sustainable Campus: Formulating campus-wide environmentally
  friendly strategies
· Using ACUCA exchange programs as a strategy to promote awareness
  and initiate activity for sustainable development
· Incorporating issues of sustainable development within the curricula of
  Christian universities of higher education
Farewell Dinner hosted by the Chairman of Daegu Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Saint Western Hotel
20:00~22:00Musical "The Phantom of the Opera*" at Keimyung Art Center

* We invite you to a gala performance of “The Phantom of the Opera”. This is a Korean adaptation,
with English subtitles, of the story of the love that a disfigured maestro has for his musical protégé
An enigmatic tale of love and jealousy set in a Parisian opera house.

November 3 (Wednesday)
08:40~09:15Shuttle to Keimyung
09:15~09:30Morning Prayer
09:30~11:00Plenary Session: Reports on Parallel Sessions
11:30~13:0018th General Assembly & Closing Ceremony
13:00~14:00Photo Session / Lunch
14:00~Optional Tour

November 4 (Thursday)
All dayDeparture and Send-off of conference Participants

